Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Hey guys!

I got back from school (well.. hanging out with friends at school) today, and I just sat around being bored. But then I remembered a magical thing called Youtube. Youtube has kept ME busy for the past few hours, and let me tell you; it is entertaining. No, it's better than entertaining; it's life saving. Why is it life saving? 'Cause without it, I'd probably be dying of boredom right now. Not just me, nope; millions of other Youtube users. Also it is a fantastic way to earn money! Did you know that if you are a Youtube partner (ShaneDawnson, RayWilliamJohnson, sXePhil, etc.), then you can earn so much money that you could buy a MacBook Pro in one month? That's a lot of money for just posting videos! So, tell me who YOUR favorite Youtubers are in the comment section below.

PS: Sorry for the short post; so tired today :P

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