It is true what everyone is saying. The iPod 4th gen is an iPhone 4 without the calling capabilities. That is true, with a couple of exceptions..
1. It CAN call, but only with wi-fi
2. It is so. Much. Thinner.
3. It is so. Much. Lighter.
Yeah, it looks different, blah blah blah. I get it.
Basically, it's an AMAZING device; it's an iPhone, but better on the outside, worse on the inside. Click here for the iPhone 4 review, cause once you read it, you know weather you want the iPod touch 4th gen or not.
Oh and this is Kazu talking but one more thing to add. The camera is not as good and the ipod touch does not have the same IPS technology meaning the angle in which you can view the screen with the same colors are smaller than the iPhone. So while on the iPhone people can watch a movie with you even from the side, on the ipod touch it is hard to see the screen. Ok so that is that and I'll catch you guys later.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Hey guys looks like I'll be doing another blog in the game section. I really don't have much to talk about other than the fact that patch 1.1 is coming for Starcraft. Link is here. If you guys are too lazy to read the whole thing, basically, zealots, warp gates (to warp), reapers, bunkers take longer to build, and siege tanks and battlecruisers are now a bit weaker. Also, the ram move for the Ultralisk (attack for building) is being removed because it is the same as the normal attack anyways! SO that is that and I'll see you guys next time!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Kent's Stuff
One of the games that caught everybody's attention at the E3 expo this year was, Portal 2. The sequel to the masterpiece created by Valve, Portal. The new game will feature a co-op mode where you'll be able to complete challenges presented to you by GlaDOS with a friend. And yes, GlaDOS does return. Just as creepy as before, if not more so.
For those of you who have been waiting for the iPhone 4 to be released in Taiwan, rejoice! It's only a week from now when the iPhone 4 will be released in Taiwan, and I know I'm getting one.
A Yahoo researcher broke the record for number of digits of Pi found. Nicholas Sze was able to find up to the two-quadrillionth digit. Congrats Nick!
First bio-fuel cell has been created! So basically what they do is stick a little thingy in your arm or somewhere, (it may not be your arm) and generate power/electricity from YOU. You're not going to be charging your cell phone with this power seeing that it produces a whopping 2 microwatts in a couple of hours. (I was being sarcastic in case you didn't notice). If anything this technology will be useful in medical fields. It would be possible to power a pacemaker with a bio fuel cell. This means that once the pace maker is in, you'll never need to take it out again! (Let's hope you won't need one in the first place.)
HOLY CRAP SO COOL. Brother has developed a projector called AirScouter that project's onto your eye biscuit (mmm, tasty). Basically, it projects fast moving light directly onto your eye, and makes it look like there is a transparent 16 inch display about 3 feet in front of you, that of course, only you can see. This is the stuff of movies. So very very cool. They will be having a live demonstration in a little while in Japan. So wish I could get my hands on one of these.

I think that's it for me for today.
Thanks for reading.
For those of you who have been waiting for the iPhone 4 to be released in Taiwan, rejoice! It's only a week from now when the iPhone 4 will be released in Taiwan, and I know I'm getting one.
A Yahoo researcher broke the record for number of digits of Pi found. Nicholas Sze was able to find up to the two-quadrillionth digit. Congrats Nick!
First bio-fuel cell has been created! So basically what they do is stick a little thingy in your arm or somewhere, (it may not be your arm) and generate power/electricity from YOU. You're not going to be charging your cell phone with this power seeing that it produces a whopping 2 microwatts in a couple of hours. (I was being sarcastic in case you didn't notice). If anything this technology will be useful in medical fields. It would be possible to power a pacemaker with a bio fuel cell. This means that once the pace maker is in, you'll never need to take it out again! (Let's hope you won't need one in the first place.)
HOLY CRAP SO COOL. Brother has developed a projector called AirScouter that project's onto your eye biscuit (mmm, tasty). Basically, it projects fast moving light directly onto your eye, and makes it look like there is a transparent 16 inch display about 3 feet in front of you, that of course, only you can see. This is the stuff of movies. So very very cool. They will be having a live demonstration in a little while in Japan. So wish I could get my hands on one of these.

I think that's it for me for today.
Thanks for reading.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
I'm Back Y'all
Wassup world? I'm back but this time I'm here for the gaming section. Halo: Reach is finally out! With a Metacritic score of 92, it definitely surpasses Halo 3 and lives up to it's name.
"The only thing missing from this impressive entry is a number "4" in the title, because for all intents and purposes, Reach feels like the next big thing in the Halo franchise." - GamePro
"Suffice it to say that while it's not a perfect game, it's definitely the best Halo game yet and a fittingly epic goodbye to fans from Bungie, the developer that helped to launch a million Xboxes. " - GameSpy
It is sad to say that this is the last game in the Halo series (from Bungie), but I can see 2-3 years from now kids still playing this epic game.
One last note, this game does come in a Legendary Edition:
There is also a custom painted Xbox Slim and wireless controllers (2) with a standard retail version of Halo Reach: Click here because for some reason can't upload another pic.
Ok see you guys next time (which is hopefully soon)
"The only thing missing from this impressive entry is a number "4" in the title, because for all intents and purposes, Reach feels like the next big thing in the Halo franchise." - GamePro
"Suffice it to say that while it's not a perfect game, it's definitely the best Halo game yet and a fittingly epic goodbye to fans from Bungie, the developer that helped to launch a million Xboxes. " - GameSpy
It is sad to say that this is the last game in the Halo series (from Bungie), but I can see 2-3 years from now kids still playing this epic game.
One last note, this game does come in a Legendary Edition:

There is also a custom painted Xbox Slim and wireless controllers (2) with a standard retail version of Halo Reach: Click here because for some reason can't upload another pic.
Ok see you guys next time (which is hopefully soon)

Hellooo again, my avid video gamers!
What's good?
SO, modding.
Modding servers in Call of Duty: MW2 makes the game so much better. Yes, I mod, and I've got to say I've made SO many people happy because I mod. A lot of people put down modding games, and I really don't see why! Some people even go as far as calling it hacking. It is NOT hacking! It's just doing stuff that the developers couldn't think of. I know that there is a rule saying that modding isn't allowed, but hey; rules are meant to be broken, eh? And for you guys who don't like modding, don't play it; just quit!
Modding can be a lot of things; it can be mods where the enemies are zombies and you're trying not to get eaten, etc. Overall, it is VERY fun.
If we get up to 500 views per day, we'll start doing Apple give a ways, such as iPods, apple TV's, etc. If we get MORE than that, we might start giving away bigger things, like computers and stuff.
Peach out,
What's good?
SO, modding.
Modding servers in Call of Duty: MW2 makes the game so much better. Yes, I mod, and I've got to say I've made SO many people happy because I mod. A lot of people put down modding games, and I really don't see why! Some people even go as far as calling it hacking. It is NOT hacking! It's just doing stuff that the developers couldn't think of. I know that there is a rule saying that modding isn't allowed, but hey; rules are meant to be broken, eh? And for you guys who don't like modding, don't play it; just quit!
Modding can be a lot of things; it can be mods where the enemies are zombies and you're trying not to get eaten, etc. Overall, it is VERY fun.
If we get up to 500 views per day, we'll start doing Apple give a ways, such as iPods, apple TV's, etc. If we get MORE than that, we might start giving away bigger things, like computers and stuff.
Peach out,
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Kazu's post..-.-"
Because that fat-ass won't post, I will.
I'm kidding about the fat-ass part :P
Well.. not really
African Americans have an official language now! It's called Ebonics. What is the difference compared to english? Well; instead of saying My, you say Mah. Instead of saying School, you say Scoo'. You get it? It's an actual language. An Official language. How much more racist can you get, America? I mean WTF?? They're still speaking english! So just because they say "'Sup dawg, you coo'?" instead of "Hey. Are you good?", you give them a language?? That's just not right. At all. You just don't do that!
However, I DO find it interesting how you can take a language, mess with it and make it a brand NEW language. I should do that too! Here.
I am a igpay.
Naww, that didn't work.
IJustinIsAwesome AmJustinIsAwesome AJustinIsAwesome PigJustinIsAwesome
A language we will all learn to love.. I'll call it... JIA! :D
If we get 1000 views a day, we'll start doing give-a-ways regularly (twice a month), we'll be giving away the iPod touch, iPhone 4 [You pay for the contract, we buy the phone], iPod nano, iWatch, etc. If we get MORE than 1000, we'll start giving away BIG stuff like iPads, video cards, etc. Tell people about our blog!
Peach out,
I'm kidding about the fat-ass part :P
Well.. not really
African Americans have an official language now! It's called Ebonics. What is the difference compared to english? Well; instead of saying My, you say Mah. Instead of saying School, you say Scoo'. You get it? It's an actual language. An Official language. How much more racist can you get, America? I mean WTF?? They're still speaking english! So just because they say "'Sup dawg, you coo'?" instead of "Hey. Are you good?", you give them a language?? That's just not right. At all. You just don't do that!
However, I DO find it interesting how you can take a language, mess with it and make it a brand NEW language. I should do that too! Here.
I am a igpay.
Naww, that didn't work.
IJustinIsAwesome AmJustinIsAwesome AJustinIsAwesome PigJustinIsAwesome
A language we will all learn to love.. I'll call it... JIA! :D
If we get 1000 views a day, we'll start doing give-a-ways regularly (twice a month), we'll be giving away the iPod touch, iPhone 4 [You pay for the contract, we buy the phone], iPod nano, iWatch, etc. If we get MORE than 1000, we'll start giving away BIG stuff like iPads, video cards, etc. Tell people about our blog!
Peach out,
Saturday, September 11, 2010
The best game evar?
There are zombies.
There are cars.
This is blood.
There. Are. Strippers.
These, my women readers, are all the thing a guy looks for in a game. Cars aren't a MUST.. but strippers are. I'm just sayin'.
So Activision is releasing a new game called Blood Drive on November exclusively for the XBOX 360 and the PS3. Rana, you're out of luck, but I'm sure you can watch Kazu enjoy the game ;)
What's so cool about this, is normal race battles are 1 V 1, right? This is 1 V 1 V 1. The three are Car VS Car VS Zombie Strippers. Ok, well they aren't ALL zombie strippers, but hey; we look for the few.. dancers that made it this far. I can't really say much else about this game, 'cause this is all I know about this game right now, but trust me; I am going to get it. I am in love with EVERYthing on the list above. Rana, be prepared to watch Kazu spend his time looking at the TV instead of you, and the same goes with Jessica. Except Kent wont actually be playing the game.. He'll just be sitting behind Kazu drooling. And I'll be sitting behind him drooling. And Jak...Well you get the point :D
The game is going to be 49.99, which is less than most games, and that is more of a reason why you should get the game!
I sound bland in this post, I know; I'm sleepy.
If we get 1000 views a day, we'll start doing give-a-ways regularly (twice a month), we'll be giving away the iPod touch, iPhone 4 [You pay for the contract, we buy the phone], iPod nano, iWatch, etc. If we get MORE than 1000, we'll start giving away BIG stuff like iPads, video cards, etc. Tell people about our blog!
Peach out,
There are cars.
This is blood.
There. Are. Strippers.
These, my women readers, are all the thing a guy looks for in a game. Cars aren't a MUST.. but strippers are. I'm just sayin'.
So Activision is releasing a new game called Blood Drive on November exclusively for the XBOX 360 and the PS3. Rana, you're out of luck, but I'm sure you can watch Kazu enjoy the game ;)
What's so cool about this, is normal race battles are 1 V 1, right? This is 1 V 1 V 1. The three are Car VS Car VS Zombie Strippers. Ok, well they aren't ALL zombie strippers, but hey; we look for the few.. dancers that made it this far. I can't really say much else about this game, 'cause this is all I know about this game right now, but trust me; I am going to get it. I am in love with EVERYthing on the list above. Rana, be prepared to watch Kazu spend his time looking at the TV instead of you, and the same goes with Jessica. Except Kent wont actually be playing the game.. He'll just be sitting behind Kazu drooling. And I'll be sitting behind him drooling. And Jak...Well you get the point :D
The game is going to be 49.99, which is less than most games, and that is more of a reason why you should get the game!
I sound bland in this post, I know; I'm sleepy.
If we get 1000 views a day, we'll start doing give-a-ways regularly (twice a month), we'll be giving away the iPod touch, iPhone 4 [You pay for the contract, we buy the phone], iPod nano, iWatch, etc. If we get MORE than 1000, we'll start giving away BIG stuff like iPads, video cards, etc. Tell people about our blog!
Peach out,
Friday, September 10, 2010
iPhone 4 review
The big question is "Should I get it or not? Should I upgrade from my 3GS?"
The big answer, is no. Don't upgrade from your 3GS. I mean, If you already have a 3GS you're good to go; that phone is amazing and not THAT much different from the iPhone 4. The only things I noticed that were different is
1. The retina display. Beautiful. Sexy. We could look at girls all day through it. Or Kazu, if you're Rana. I'm not saying anything.. I'm just saying.
2. The design on the outside. That is cool.. but it isn't as noticeable as the weather change outside in New York.
3. The camera on the front. It comes in handy a LOT.
And finally
4. The responsiveness is almost on par with the iPad
Those three are the main differences that are OBVIOUS. But some people want better insides (thats what she said), hey? Thats fine. Kinda like me with computers. Anyways, the inside of the apple iPhone 4 has a powerful processor that you won't need to use unless you play games on the iPhone. The battery life is... not so great. I can leave my iPad open ALL NIGHT listening to music, with the screen actually on, and only lose 2%, while when I do the same thing to my iPhone 4, it loses 6%. I'm not to happy with the battery life, since apple promised that it was going to be better. Oh, another thing; the camera on the back is AMAZING! I was blown away of the shot I took of myself. Part of the reason being that I'm so sexy.. so handsome.. so awesome.... but the other part of the reason is because the camera is just an amazing camera.
1. Retina Display.
2. Front Facing Camera
3. The Camera on the Back
4. Responsiveness
5. Powerful Insides
1. Battery Life
2. Reception -.-
3. Uh...
4. Hmmm...
5. -.-
6. OH!
7. Nevermind.
As you can see, there are 5 Pro's and 7 Cons. YOU decide.
When we reach 1000 readers per day, we'll start doing give-a-ways! We'll give away iPods, Apple TV's, and if we get MORE than that, we'll give out stuff like iPads! Please tell people about the blog. Thanks!
The big answer, is no. Don't upgrade from your 3GS. I mean, If you already have a 3GS you're good to go; that phone is amazing and not THAT much different from the iPhone 4. The only things I noticed that were different is
1. The retina display. Beautiful. Sexy. We could look at girls all day through it. Or Kazu, if you're Rana. I'm not saying anything.. I'm just saying.
2. The design on the outside. That is cool.. but it isn't as noticeable as the weather change outside in New York.
3. The camera on the front. It comes in handy a LOT.
And finally
4. The responsiveness is almost on par with the iPad
Those three are the main differences that are OBVIOUS. But some people want better insides (thats what she said), hey? Thats fine. Kinda like me with computers. Anyways, the inside of the apple iPhone 4 has a powerful processor that you won't need to use unless you play games on the iPhone. The battery life is... not so great. I can leave my iPad open ALL NIGHT listening to music, with the screen actually on, and only lose 2%, while when I do the same thing to my iPhone 4, it loses 6%. I'm not to happy with the battery life, since apple promised that it was going to be better. Oh, another thing; the camera on the back is AMAZING! I was blown away of the shot I took of myself. Part of the reason being that I'm so sexy.. so handsome.. so awesome.... but the other part of the reason is because the camera is just an amazing camera.
1. Retina Display.
2. Front Facing Camera
3. The Camera on the Back
4. Responsiveness
5. Powerful Insides
1. Battery Life
2. Reception -.-
3. Uh...
4. Hmmm...
5. -.-
6. OH!
7. Nevermind.
As you can see, there are 5 Pro's and 7 Cons. YOU decide.
When we reach 1000 readers per day, we'll start doing give-a-ways! We'll give away iPods, Apple TV's, and if we get MORE than that, we'll give out stuff like iPads! Please tell people about the blog. Thanks!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
I don't know why I started the post like that. I just don't. Was it because I was bored? Because I was... uh.. bored? I.. uh... I like juice.
Now Call of Duty modders have just heard the news of their life. CoD: Black Ops is now coming out with a new game mode that is a DIRECT rip off from Modern Warfare 2's gun mod. Basically, what happens is you start out with a knife, then when you kill two people you get the USP pistol. After another two kills, your pistol upgrades, and so on. Cool, hey?
I've got to go write my essays for school now, so sorry about the short post. If we get up to a thousand readers, we will start having apple give-a-ways! A.K.A iPod Shuffle, iPod touch, etc. So tell your friends about this site! Thanks!
Now Call of Duty modders have just heard the news of their life. CoD: Black Ops is now coming out with a new game mode that is a DIRECT rip off from Modern Warfare 2's gun mod. Basically, what happens is you start out with a knife, then when you kill two people you get the USP pistol. After another two kills, your pistol upgrades, and so on. Cool, hey?
I've got to go write my essays for school now, so sorry about the short post. If we get up to a thousand readers, we will start having apple give-a-ways! A.K.A iPod Shuffle, iPod touch, etc. So tell your friends about this site! Thanks!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
I'm sorry
Guys I'm so sorry about not posting recently at all. It's cuz I'm really busy and I'm trying to get all my homework done. Sorry guys. I hope to get started again maybe next week.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Kent's Tech Stuff
Hey guys,
I realize me and Kazu haven't posted for a while, so we apologize, but we are still students after all and we don't have all the time in the world. Basically, we've been busy. Like the teachers said. This around when the amount of work starts to kick in. So too all you other freshies, good luck! :P
Tech news... tech news...
Well, the new iPod nano is out. And from what I can see, it's another cool, innovative apple product. it's small, slim, and has a butt load of memory for something so small. Except I don't like it. A touch screen on something that small? The last iPod nano was good. It had the video camera and a nice screen. It still felt relatively like an iPod. But this new thing... I don't know... It feels like the iPod nano has kinda lost it's way. The last iPod nano was already something that I wouldn't buy. Even though it had the video camera it was too light for me. I liked the old ones that had a bit of substance. Something to hold in your hands. The screen was too glossy too. Sorry. I'm complaining about the old nano. I should be complaining about the new one. Well for one thing, you can't watch videos anymore. AND IT'S JUST SO SMALL. BLEAH. The iPhone 4 on the other hand which I've had a chance to try, is VERY good. It's nothing but improvements. The 'Retina Display' is truly all that is claims to be. Absolutely B-E-A-UTIFUL! And it is very fast. It has the new Apple A4 processor. The camera has also been improved to 5 megapixels. The new look is stunning as well. Truly a wonderful piece of engineering.
{When we get to 1000 readers, we'll start doing give-a-ways! That means the iPod Shuffle, Nano, Touch, etc. When we get more readers, we'll even start giving away big stuff like iPas and Video cards (for you gamers out there ;)). Tell people about our blog!} - Justin
Gotta get to my homework.
Thanks for reading!
I realize me and Kazu haven't posted for a while, so we apologize, but we are still students after all and we don't have all the time in the world. Basically, we've been busy. Like the teachers said. This around when the amount of work starts to kick in. So too all you other freshies, good luck! :P
Tech news... tech news...
Well, the new iPod nano is out. And from what I can see, it's another cool, innovative apple product. it's small, slim, and has a butt load of memory for something so small. Except I don't like it. A touch screen on something that small? The last iPod nano was good. It had the video camera and a nice screen. It still felt relatively like an iPod. But this new thing... I don't know... It feels like the iPod nano has kinda lost it's way. The last iPod nano was already something that I wouldn't buy. Even though it had the video camera it was too light for me. I liked the old ones that had a bit of substance. Something to hold in your hands. The screen was too glossy too. Sorry. I'm complaining about the old nano. I should be complaining about the new one. Well for one thing, you can't watch videos anymore. AND IT'S JUST SO SMALL. BLEAH. The iPhone 4 on the other hand which I've had a chance to try, is VERY good. It's nothing but improvements. The 'Retina Display' is truly all that is claims to be. Absolutely B-E-A-UTIFUL! And it is very fast. It has the new Apple A4 processor. The camera has also been improved to 5 megapixels. The new look is stunning as well. Truly a wonderful piece of engineering.
{When we get to 1000 readers, we'll start doing give-a-ways! That means the iPod Shuffle, Nano, Touch, etc. When we get more readers, we'll even start giving away big stuff like iPas and Video cards (for you gamers out there ;)). Tell people about our blog!} - Justin
Gotta get to my homework.
Thanks for reading!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Good morning, Call of Duty fans!
I am going to type todays post in two versions; the optimistic version and the pessimistic version. Lets do this.
SO, that is the optimistic version. Here is the pessimistic version.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 was a horrible game, and will stay the worst game in the history of bad games. And now, Treyarch is releasing a new Call of Duty game on November 9th. I mean COME ON! WHO will BUY that piece of crap?? I know I won't..-.- Anyways, on PC there will be dedicated servers. You know what? I don't care. MW2 servers are fun. I don't need dedicated servers. All those idiots who WANT dedicated servers are.. well.... idiots. No offence. Ok and see, here is why I already hate the game. There is a damn crossbow. THAT just ruins the whole game already. Yes, ok Gears of War had a cross bow, but the difference is, Gears of War is PWN. Unlike that retarded ass game, Call of Duty...
Apparently, this game takes place between 1960 and 2010. That's retarded. Just plain stupid. Not the 1960 part; no. The 2010 part. Can you imagine fighting a war in Taipei 101? Drop a goddamn bomb and the building falls apart, and boom; you win. It's that easy. Also, there is suppose to be more stealth in Black Ops than any other CoD games. Seriously? In Modern Warfare 2, you can run up behind a whole team WITHOUT the sound of footsteps, and knife everyone and get away with it. Do you really need more stealth? I'm not going to buy it. I hate it. Shut up. I don't care. My head exploded. D:
In other news, I will be starting up an Apple Center, and there I will review apple products, tell you about new apple products, cool apple apps, etc. Tell people about our blog!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
XBOX 360's Kinect is going to be released VERY soon! Very soon as in a month.. but.. uh... SHUTUP
For those of you who don't know about Kinect, it is basically a camera that connects to your XBOX 360, and it tracks your every move. Kind of like a pervert. Or Pedo Bear. But this is different; this camera sends your image to the console, and the console understands that information and passes instructions to the TV, which uhm.. Sorry, I lost myself there.
Let me put it in simpler terms.
It is a new way of gaming.. without the controller. If there is a ball coming at you, swipe at it and the ball will bounce back and hopefully hit a person *ahem*kazu*ahem*.. if there is a tiger in front of you, pet it! If you see people dancing.. dance with them! And I don't mean "A. A. B. X. Y. YYA. A. X. UP. DOWN.
I mean DANCE. Move your legs up! Kick your arms out! *EDIT*<--(That was an unintentional mistake.. that shows how tired I am :P)*EDIT* Shake your body! That's right; DANCE! All you gamers out there; imagine playing a FPS with this. Wanna knife someone in CoD? You get the point, eh? There are currently 8 games that will be coming out with Kinect, and there will be a LOT more after that, I'm sure.
Anyways, my head has fallen into the keyboard twice because of the jetlag, so I'll cut off here.
I'm just going to finish by saying I WILL test out Kinect the day it comes out, and immediately post on this blog weather you should get it or not; yes, that is a review.
Thanks for reading, and tell people about this blog!
For those of you who don't know about Kinect, it is basically a camera that connects to your XBOX 360, and it tracks your every move. Kind of like a pervert. Or Pedo Bear. But this is different; this camera sends your image to the console, and the console understands that information and passes instructions to the TV, which uhm.. Sorry, I lost myself there.
Let me put it in simpler terms.
It is a new way of gaming.. without the controller. If there is a ball coming at you, swipe at it and the ball will bounce back and hopefully hit a person *ahem*kazu*ahem*.. if there is a tiger in front of you, pet it! If you see people dancing.. dance with them! And I don't mean "A. A. B. X. Y. YYA. A. X. UP. DOWN.
I mean DANCE. Move your legs up! Kick your arms out! *EDIT*<--(That was an unintentional mistake.. that shows how tired I am :P)*EDIT* Shake your body! That's right; DANCE! All you gamers out there; imagine playing a FPS with this. Wanna knife someone in CoD? You get the point, eh? There are currently 8 games that will be coming out with Kinect, and there will be a LOT more after that, I'm sure.
Anyways, my head has fallen into the keyboard twice because of the jetlag, so I'll cut off here.
I'm just going to finish by saying I WILL test out Kinect the day it comes out, and immediately post on this blog weather you should get it or not; yes, that is a review.
Thanks for reading, and tell people about this blog!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Video Game News
Video Game News
Today, my topic is going to be
WTF is up with hacks?
I mean seriously. Without hacks, I can get anywhere around 8-10 nukes a day in MW2, while playing only 5 hours a day. With hacks (yes, I've tried this a long time ago), I can get a nuke every game. Literally. I got 15 nukes in an hour. I found out that hacking makes the game so damn boring! Because the minuet you see someone, bang; they're dead. Even though you had no idea that the guy was there. It's like someone else playing; not you. Basically you're watching another player play! I have got to admit... before I got the hack to test out, I thought "Oh damn, I cant' WAIT!!". Afterwards, my thoughts were "ehh... I'd rather read". It ruined the game for me. Afterwards, I couldn't start playing MW2 again until now. And also, hacks piss EVERYBODY off. Including me. So tell me, people.. WTF is up with hacks?
Today, my topic is going to be
WTF is up with hacks?
I mean seriously. Without hacks, I can get anywhere around 8-10 nukes a day in MW2, while playing only 5 hours a day. With hacks (yes, I've tried this a long time ago), I can get a nuke every game. Literally. I got 15 nukes in an hour. I found out that hacking makes the game so damn boring! Because the minuet you see someone, bang; they're dead. Even though you had no idea that the guy was there. It's like someone else playing; not you. Basically you're watching another player play! I have got to admit... before I got the hack to test out, I thought "Oh damn, I cant' WAIT!!". Afterwards, my thoughts were "ehh... I'd rather read". It ruined the game for me. Afterwards, I couldn't start playing MW2 again until now. And also, hacks piss EVERYBODY off. Including me. So tell me, people.. WTF is up with hacks?
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