One of the games that caught everybody's attention at the E3 expo this year was, Portal 2. The sequel to the masterpiece created by Valve, Portal. The new game will feature a co-op mode where you'll be able to complete challenges presented to you by GlaDOS with a friend. And yes, GlaDOS does return. Just as creepy as before, if not more so.
For those of you who have been waiting for the iPhone 4 to be released in Taiwan, rejoice! It's only a week from now when the iPhone 4 will be released in Taiwan, and I know I'm getting one.
A Yahoo researcher broke the record for number of digits of Pi found. Nicholas Sze was able to find up to the two-quadrillionth digit. Congrats Nick!
First bio-fuel cell has been created! So basically what they do is stick a little thingy in your arm or somewhere, (it may not be your arm) and generate power/electricity from YOU. You're not going to be charging your cell phone with this power seeing that it produces a whopping 2 microwatts in a couple of hours. (I was being sarcastic in case you didn't notice). If anything this technology will be useful in medical fields. It would be possible to power a pacemaker with a bio fuel cell. This means that once the pace maker is in, you'll never need to take it out again! (Let's hope you won't need one in the first place.)
HOLY CRAP SO COOL. Brother has developed a projector called AirScouter that project's onto your eye biscuit (mmm, tasty). Basically, it projects fast moving light directly onto your eye, and makes it look like there is a transparent 16 inch display about 3 feet in front of you, that of course, only you can see. This is the stuff of movies. So very very cool. They will be having a live demonstration in a little while in Japan. So wish I could get my hands on one of these.
I think that's it for me for today.
Thanks for reading.
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